Aubrie and Daniel

I am a 62, year old horse woman. I cut my teeth on a horse and always had a good dog by my side. I ran barrels, roped, rode jumping horses, cutting horses and reining horses. I guess I did most anything the law would allow on a horse. When I was eighteen I went to the race track and spent 23 years training racehorses. I had the pleasure of handling the most gallant animals on Gods green earth and managed to have some champions along the way. I now spend some time in the show ring with my little JRT buddies and only train horses occasionally. I got my first Jack Russell when I was on the track. My kids needed a dog and we needed something small. I always wanted a Jack Russell but I had heard so many horror stories about them that I was skeptical. My farrier at the time had a litter of shorties coming from his female and he assured me they where different than their long legged counterparts. So that's where it all began. We got our little pup when my son Daniel was eighteen months old. He loved heavy machinery but he could not pronounce Bulldozer so we named our puppy Bo Dozer aka Bo Bo. He was such an outstanding little dog we felt like we just lucked out but I have since discovered that his great temperament is common in these little shorties. In 1998 we purchased a female Aye Aye Aye Katie and began to breed shorties. In 2001 after I was divorced I could no longer travel with the track (I had two small children, my daughter being Downs syndrome) I had to find a way to make a living from home. At that point my children Dan, Aubrie and I opened a Horse Motel and began breeding Jack Russells and Beagles. My kids and I worked together and built a successful business. Unfortunately in 2008 I was sidelined by an Illness and forced to sell all but one of my dogs, little Finzie. My son is grown now and has taken Finzie with him. So in 2010 I started building my current business. I have hand picked and raised my dogs and I am very proud of them. I hope you enjoy my site and can find a puppy here to be your life long friend.

Daniel and his beloved BoBo.
Aubrie and the babies.